AEF Endowment Fund

Our Mission

The Arcadia Educational Foundation is committed to enhancing student achievement, enriching educational standards, and supporting the Arcadia Unified School District. In perpetuity, the endowment fund’s mission is to increase and stabilize the long-term growth of legacy gifts given to the Arcadia Educational Foundation.

Our Endowment’s History

The vision for the AEF Endowment Fund is to ensure stable, long-term funding for the benefit of the Arcadia Unified School District students without the concern of fluctuations in state budgeting or annual fundraising.

The creation of the endowment was also intended as a way to solicit legacy donations. The endowment offers the opportunity for donors interested in giving something different than the annual appeal. With an endowment fund established, these donations could be solicited more easily.

Essentially, the endowment framework was created with a small amount of money, and AEF worked to raise funds to finance it. An option was given to donors to earmark funds for the endowment, and AEF slowly collected endowment donations. As the donations grew, the AEF Endowment Committee took on the task of selecting an investment strategy. The Endowment committee voted on the endowment fund investment allocation.

Our Performance

Through ongoing generous contributions and prudent management from the AEF Endowment Investment Committee, the endowment fund’s assets have grown from a $30,000 initial contribution in 2011 to approximately $162,000 at the end of April 2018 (with an internal rate of return of about 6.6% since the fund’s inception).

Our Management

The endowment fund is managed by the AEF Endowment Committee comprised of three voting members, in addition to the AEF Treasurer in an ex officio capacity.

How you can help

An endowment gift makes a lasting difference. Please consider a generous gift to the AEF Endowment Fund to serve as an investment in the future of both our schools and community. If you donate online, you may choose how to divide your gift between the AEF Annual Appeal Fund and the AEF Endowment Fund or even give the entire amount to the endowment. For more information on the endowment fund and ways to get involved, contact us at